
March 28, 2008 at 8:26 pm (Uncategorized)

All of the construction outside of Pantas is making me laugh. I was sitting at work this morning and another girl who works here came in entirely flustered by the newly-planted caution tape over the front door and the need to use the side one, and I just smiled. I mean, I don’t mind having to use another door, and while having to take detours to walk somewhere that would normally have been a straight line is inconvenient, it really doesn’t bother me that much. What makes me sad are the jackhammers and the tar and the oh-so-lovely smells that remind me that, while I live in a rare bit of nature (sort of) in the middle of a city, it’s never going to be untouched. Sometimes I wonder what part of me decided to move to a city. I love nature… I have a habit of lying under trees, walking barefoot through freshly-mowed grass, sitting on the roof and watching clouds (and yes, figuring out what animals they’re in the shape of).

I love living here. I really do… Jackhammers and tar just have this uncanny ability to make you think about what’s important to you.

 By the way…with all of this construction and fencing and grass-growing, what happens to the man who works out in front of Pantas?


  1. sarahelectric said,

    I don’t know!! Has anyone seen him around? How will he stay fit? =(

  2. lindsey said,

    I don’t know… but it’s distressing. I hope he’s healthy, wherever he is.

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